Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Part Time Lover

As to this may seem not fair
To be a person with two partners to care
When all that happen in just a single night
Can’t be prolong with just a single fight.

It’s really fun and exciting from the start
The dating and flirting the throbbing of the heart
Things that makes it more interesting
Is that you found someone that can be so daring.

First things first in this situation
Plan every single move to evade deception
Because you may never know what she has in mind?
That it might be something you might find…

In the game of love you had been betting on…
Feeling and emotions to gamble with a single frown
This circumstance has always a bad ending
But it’s up to you to handle this bidding.

If a time comes that you would be found out
You better be prepared for the dialogues to mount
Complications arises when a dilemma is met
The choosing and loosing will be set.

1 comment:

  1. This is a poem i made for a Friend that has told me this story hahaha!
